Fishing Flies
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Fishing Flies
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Fishing Flies
Pike Flies
Salmon Flies
Sea Trout Flies
Trout and Grayling Flies
Tweed Spring Selection
Posh Tosh Micro Conehead Mini Tube
Green Highlander Shrimp Conehead
The Sunburst Cascade Aluminium Tube Fly
The Subtle KIller
The Ally's Shrimp Tube Fly
sold out
The Olive Francis Salmon Fly I/2 inch copper tube
The Blue Monkey Aluminium Tube
Gold Body Willie Gunn Salmon Fly
Eternal Optimist Salmon Tube Fly
Donegal Gunn Salmon Fly
Sillen Micro Conehead Salmon Fly
Hot Head Post Tosh Crimp Fly
Stoats Tail Crimp Fly
Micro Monkey Crimp Fly
The Red Francis Conehead Salmon Fly
The Black Francis Conehead Salmon Fly
The Hot Head Posh Tosh Salmon Fly
The Dirty One Pike Fly
Brown Trout Pike Fly
Shimmering Perch Pike Fly
The Teal and Blue Pike Fly
The Red Head Comet Tube
The Copper Mini Comet
The Pink Comet Tube
Posh Tosh Aluminium Tube Fly
Green Butt Salmon Fly
Jambo Blue Wake Fly
Micro Teviot Shrimp Crimp Fly
Teviot Shrimp Double
Copper Cascade Salmon Fly
Tweed Gold Body Tosh
Silver Body Tosh
Flashy Gold Body WIllie Gunn
Green Butt Black & Yellow Double
The Purple Jessie Salmon Fly
CCK Orange Conehead Connie Corcoran Killer
WIllie Gunn Salmon Treble
Queens Killer Salmon Fly
Haugar Salmon Fly
Steil Blue Salmon Fly
Big River Dee Monkey
Purple and Red Spey Shrimp Fly
Sunburst Dee Monkey
Banana Ali
The Moy Green Micro Tube
The Alistair Micro Fly
The Badger and Blue
The Badger Blue and Silver
The Queens Killer Micro Fly
The Golden Killer
The Posh Tosh Francis
Jock Scott Feather WIng Double
Gledswood Shrimp Black Treble
Polar Sunray Micro Crimp Fly
Black and Red Micro Crimp Fly
Banana Spey Conehead
The Steil Blue Conehead Salmon Fly
Stoats Tail Conehead
Stoats Tail Double Salmon Fly
Munro Killer Salmon Double
Red Body Ally Shrimp
sold out
Boleside Pink Turbo Disc Templedog
Jock Scott Feather Wing Conehead
The Purple Monkey
Thunder Spey Conehead
Calvin Shrimp
The Ice Monkey
Orange Gledswood Shrimp Treble
Park Shrimp Copper Tube Fly
Yellow Badger Spey Tube
Floyds Monkey Conehead
Aurora Cascade Double
Gledswood Blue Salmon Fly Double
Posh Tosh Double
Franc N Snaelda Junction Shrimp
Franc N Snaelda Cascade Tube Fly
Gold Body WIllie Gunn Salmon Fly Double
Yellow Gledswood Shrimp Tube Fly Copper Tube Fly
Dee Sheep Tube Fly
Big River Red Monkey
Gledswood Yellow Salmon Fly Double
The Red Francis Salmon Fly I/2 inch copper tube
The Black Francis Salmon Fly I/2 inch copper tube
Spring Cascade Conehead
Double Cone Francis Salmon Fly
Kinermony Killer Salmon Tube Fly
Aurora Cascade Conehead Salmon Fly
The Lindens Fancy
Gledswood Black Shrimp Fly Double
Thunderspey Double
Tweed Puppy Dog Conehead
Cascade Double
Blue Needle Polar Sunray
Apache Shrimp Conehead
Black WIllie Gunn Salmon Fly Double
Juntion Shrimp White Body Snaelda
Big River Dee Monkey Copper or Aluminium Tube options
Queens Killer Salmon Fly Double
Willie Gunn Samuarai
Clear Water Blue Samuarai
Ally's Shrimp Treble
Junction Shrimp Treble
Junction Shrimp Double
Black Ally Shrimp
Orange Gledswood Shrimp Double
Editor Double
The Claret Devil
Scotty's Special Conehead
Sunburst Scotty's Special Conehead
Silver Munro Treble
Cascade Conehead
Dee Sheep Conehead
Silver Stoats Tail Double Salmon Fly
Hot Head Posh Tosh Micro Conehead Mini Tube
Blue Polar Sunray Shadow
Polar Sunray Shadow
Gaudy Green Polar Sunray Shadow
Sunray Shadow
Ally Shrimp Treble
Cascade Tube Fly
Aurora Cascade Copper Tube Fly
The Durris Shrimp Shitey Whitey
The Durris Shrimp - Shitey Whitey Copper Tube Fly
The Durris Shrimp - Shitey Whitey Aluminium Tube Fly
Dee Sheep Loop Bottle Tube
Elver Sunray Shadow Aluminium Tube Fly
The Sir Markie Double Salmon Fly
The Sir Markie Single Salmon Fly
The Sir Markie Conehead Salmon Fly
Back To Basics Conehead Salmon Fly
Ghillie Salmon Fly Double
Silver Stoats Tail Salmon Tube Fly
from £3.49
Posh Tosh Copper Tube Fly
The Sir Michael Conehead Double Salmon Fly
The Sir Michael Double Salmon Fly
The Sir Patrick Salmon Fly Double
The Sir Patrick Conehead Salmon Fly
Gledswood Blue Salmon Fly Copper Tube
Yellow Gledswood Shrimp Tube Fly Aluminium Tube Fly
The Sir Markie Single Salmon Fly
Red Devil Conehead Salmon Flies
Conehead Red Ally's Shrimp New Pattern
Franc N Snaelda Willie Gunn Red Head
Park Shrimp Conehead Salmon Fly
Red Devil Salmon Tube Fly
Kinermony Killer Double Salmon Fly